Electric Vehicle Integration

Power Your EV with the Sun

  • Integrate a New System

    We will design your new smart home microgrid with the needs of your electric vehicle.

  • Upgrade Existing System

    Add more panels and batteries to your existing system to accommodate charging your electric vehicle.

  • Add a Fast Charger

    We install fast chargers for all EV models whether you have solar or just need to connect your EV to your home.

Electric vehicles, new and used, also share the benefits of tax credits. The increased use of electric cars in Hawaii is inevitable as the economy of scale lowers the price of these electric vehicles. The batteries inside most new electric vehicles are often three times larger than batteries sold for average home storage. Your electric vehicle can add significant storage to your home system. 

Charging electric cars directly from the sun at your Smart Home is the holy grail of self-sufficiency. When the electric car is home-charging you can leverage its storage, and when your electric car is not home-charging your extra solar array will provide for pre-programmed or cloud-based app control overloads, like washing machines, dishwashers, domestic water heating, and pool heating.

EVs Are Part of a Smart Home Microgrid

Start Your Energy Independence Today